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Weekend 1 of Teacher Training

Another year of aspiring students from all walks of life.

I can not believe how fast September comes around. No sooner is it the beginning of the spring ,and I think the course is forever away, than it is the second week of September, and my first weekend of teaching.

The same every time though. I spent around a month before reading old lectures and deciding that they need to be changed, along with many sleepless nights stressing over whether my delivery will meet the expectations, and understanding of all my students.

Crazy really, when Yoga is about having no expectation and being non-judgemental.

A certain amount of the nerves are to do with hoping that the group can connect, as they are on the first leg of their journey together, and for me ,Yoga is about creating a community.

Each student has found Yoga, and often through positive changes within their own life, wish to learn more about how this incredible subject.

Yoga has helped me find ways of making my way through some very difficult stages in my life.

I only ever wanted to learn more about the subject, and I certainly never wished to become a teacher.

Something which I have learned is that Yoga can not fix your life or that of anyone else.

Through the development of conscious awareness, we gain a clearer understanding of the mysteries of our mind. We learn how to take actions and how to live in the world.

Through the studies of Eastern Philosophy, we see how ancient sages in the East were searching for a way to develop a wider understanding of how we are all connected, and part of something far greater than just this body which we live in.

My aim is to give my students a very clear understanding of what Yoga really is, and at the beginning of their course.

I do not promise to make them the best teachers, and I certainly do not profess to teach them a handstand, or let alone how to


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