As many of you are aware, I love the sun and these long, beautiful summer days.
We are so blessed to have had the most incredible summer to date. Long may it continue.
It has been quite some time since my last blog.
With Teacher Training commencing in September, and having had an incredibly busy April and May at the studio, I try to take things easy over the summer months.
But now I feel it is time to really get back in the loop and get my new chapter finished for my Teacher Training manual, as well as keeping up to date with my readers.
I continually develop my knowledge and insights to Yoga.
Yoga studios are popping up all over the world, as people are searching for a practice to find peace within, as well as physical well-being.
As the world is changing in so many ways, and at such a fast pace, the true, and original purpose and meaning of Yoga has never had such an impact on so many.
Yoga teaches us that we should not identify with just this body that we live in, as this often causes so much suffering. This suffering is through the way we identify with our internal and external world, the way in which we label, our judgement and expectations.
If we realise we are all part of the same and something far greater than the self, we learn to live in equilibrium, and find acceptance with wherever we are right now.
We learn this on our mat through our physical practice when we let go of the ego, and know that the achievement of our practice is to be found with the acceptance of where it is now, finding inner focus, and not relying on the eyes, which often cause judgement, and comparisons.
It is so important to me that my students learn the true meaning of Yoga, and share their experience and knowledge with their fellow students.
With this in mind, and having gained so much more knowledge and experience, through running Teacher Training, I now sit at my laptop beginning my additional chapter for my manual.