Teaching Children Yoga
with Gemma Carey
Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd + Friday 15th - Sunday 17th July 2022
Teaching Children Yoga
with Gemma Carey
Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd + Friday 15th - Sunday 17th July 2022
Spring 2024
Friday 26th to Sunday 28th April
This is a course suitable for 200 hour teachers wishing to teach Yin Yoga, as well as those who have an established Yoga Practice and wish to develop their knowledge of this popular style of Yoga.The course is a 40 hour Yin course and upon completion you will receive a diploma recognized and affiliated by Yoga Alliance Professionals.
The course consists of 28 contact hours with a further 12 non-contact hours.
The contact hours are run over 3 days, where there will be a combination of theory lectures together with practical teaching. The non-contact hours are compiled through some prerequisite reading prior to the course start date, as well as written assignments set by the tutor.
This course is designed to be interactive and there will be plenty of time for questions.
Books required:
Buddhism (A concise introduction)- Huston Smith and Philip Novak
Insight Yoga- Sarah Powers
Recommended reading (not compulsory)
The Wisdom of Yoga ( a seekers guide to extraordinary living)- Stephen Cope
Paula Ahlberg is the course tutor on this course. Read more about Paula here
10am - 7pm
What is Yin Yoga?
How do we integrate Yin and Yang?
What are the benefits of Yin practice?
We will look at the mind model both from the Eastern and Western perspective.
The Anatomy of the Mind in Yin Yoga.
We look at the practice of Mindfulness and Body Scanning meditations.
We will look at additional Mindfulness Meditations.
We look at Yin Yoga as a form of Chinese medicine. This will include information regarding Buddhism , The Meridian Theory, and The Buddha Dharma.
We look at Organ health in Yin Yoga, as well as the importance of The Five elements.
We will look at practices for Gastro-Intestinal Health.
Yin Practice with modifications and use of props.
9am - 6pm
The Kidneys and Urinary Bladder, along with sequences for these Meridians.
The Lungs and Large Intestine, along with sequences.
Incorporating thoughts and knowledge of Mindfulness and Meditation into Yin Practice.
The Heart and Small Intestine and practices.
The relationship of the Physical and Emotional Body.
We will look at the systems, organ health and the principles of Mindfulness.
We will look at how Mindfulness and Yoga intermingle and how to incorporate both principles into teaching and practice.
We will look at Yin sequences and how to combine postures to create classes, along with a template for a class plan.
As well as these contact hours, students will be asked to prepare and present a written sequence along with their class plan.
The cost of this course is £350
( £100 deposit is to be paid upon booking and the balance to be paid 4 weeks prior to course start date.)
Booking and refunds:
£100 deposit is to be paid upon booking and the balance to be paid a minimum of 4 weeks prior to course start. Applications will be taken on a ‘first come first served’ basis and students who have paid their deposit will have priority.
Cancellation policy:
A cancellation can be made up to one month prior to course start and 30% of the full course fee will be refunded. Cancellations less than 4 weeks prior to course start, no refund.
Cancellation of Course:
Wellbeing Warehouse reserve the right to cancel the course at any point. If the course is cancelled more than 1 month prior to course start 100% of the fee will be refunded. If the course is cancelled within one month of course start, or over the duration of the course itself, Wellbeing Warehouse will offer an alternative course date at no extra cost.
Cancellation Procedure:
Cancellations has to be made in writing to
Wellbeing Warehouse Ltd
Paula Ahlberg
147 All Saints Road
Newmarket CB8 8HH.
Or email paula@wellbeing-warehouse.com
Contact us or pop in about booking this course.
147 All Saints Road, Newmarket CB8 8HH